The Call
by Victoria Mason 2021
Cast bronze, natural stone
When restrictions swept across Melbourne in 2020 a stark change was the almost instant silence of familiar sounds. Listening to sentence snippets as people passed had always been a great reward for walking or catching public transport but now I was riding my bike and no-one was talking anymore. Masks interfered with everything; conversations, recognizable smiles and of course, transmission of the virus. A combination of less traffic, less talking and less laughter amplified the birdsongs. On a cold morning bike ride through Yarra Park, a large black bird flew above me and cried a mournful call. I loved hearing it so much that I stopped riding just to watch him pass by. A Yellow Tailed Black Cockatoo soared black against a clear morning sky. An unusual sight for inner city Melbourne, the YTBC had it's own adjustments going on - recent bush fires pushing them to forage further afield, to the unfurling pine cones hanging from Richmond trees.
We occupied the same space for a brief moment.

The Call (bronze, brass and stone)
by Victoria Mason 2021
Image by Victoria Mason

The Call (bronze, brass and stone)
by Victoria Mason 2021
Image by Victoria Mason

The Call (bronze, brass and stone)
by Victoria Mason 2021
Image by Ewan Tremellen

The Call (bronze, brass and stone)
by Victoria Mason 2021
Image by Victoria Mason